1887 - 1953 (66 years)
Name |
Karl Georg Gebauer |
Born |
6 Aug 1887 |
Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany |
Christened |
28 Aug 1887 |
Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
22 Dec 1953 |
Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, California, USA [1] |
Buried |
Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, California, USA |
Person ID |
I257 |
James |
Last Modified |
30 Apr 2000 |
Father |
Johann Georg Heinrich Gebauer, b. 6 Sep 1851, Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany , d. 13 Jan 1916, Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany (Age 64 years) |
Mother |
Dorothee Friederike Caroline Christiane Mackrodt, b. 18 Jul 1850, Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany , d. 15 Aug 1917, Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany (Age 67 years) |
Married |
23 Jul 1876 |
Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany |
Family ID |
F96 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 1 |
Anna Auguste Zornemann, b. 24 Sep 1888, Hedersleben, Schlesien, Prussia , d. 8 Jun 1918, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany (Age 29 years) |
Married |
21 May 1910 |
Halle, Saale, Germany |
Children |
+ | 1. Alma Luise Karoline Gebauer, b. 2 Feb 1911, Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany , d. 1 Aug 2013, Campbell, Santa Clara, California (Age 102 years) |
+ | 2. Living |
| 3. Erna Minna Luise Gebauer, b. 2 Apr 1914, Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany , d. 8 Jan 1920, Schlotheim, Thüringen, Germany (Age 5 years) |
Family ID |
F56 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 2 |
Ida Hulda Weingart, b. 2 Apr 1888, Marolterode, Thüringen, Germany , d. 3 Jan 1981, San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USA (Age 92 years) |
Married |
22 Jun 1919 |
Marolterode, Thüringen, Germany |
_UID |
01716A1B4F5EEA4DB7C8032873D5E65205E4 |
Last Modified |
27 Apr 2010 |
Family ID |
F98 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
| Karl Georg Gebauer
| Karl Georg Gebauer, Ida Hulda Weingart
| The Ship Cap Polonio This is the ship that Georg Gebauer took from Hamburg, Germany to Buenos Aires, Argentina, from April 12 to May 3, 1923. Copied from http://www.schiffe-maxim.de/Polonio.htm. |
| S.S. Commewyne The ship Georg Gebauer took from Venezuela to New York City in 1925. The ship was later renamed Har Carmel. Downloaded from http://www.hma.org.il/Museum/Templates/showpage.asp?DBID=1&LNGID=1&TMID=84&FID=1753&PID=5086. |
| Georg Gebauer in handwritten index for Hamburg Passenger Lists, Band 295, April 1923 Georg Gebauer is on line 24 - the index points to his entry on page 848 of the passenger lists. |
| Georg Gebauer in the Hamburg Passenger Lists, Band 295, April 1923 Ship: Cap Polonio
Departure Date: 12 April 1923.
Georg's entry is on line 33. It looks like he may have been traveling with Albert Kocher (line 32), as much of the information in Albert's entry is dittoed in Georg's entry (same profession, same last place of residence, etc.).
Name: Georg Gebauer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Religion: Protestant
Profession: Carpenter
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Thüringen
Last Place of Residence: Körner [town just West of Schlotheim]
Class on Board: Middle
Destination: Buenos Aires
Comments: ?
(The above was found on page 122 of 324 in Band 295 - the date of departure was found on page 120)
(As of November 24, 2013, this ship list has now been digitally indexed, so it is now showing up in search results on ancestry.com) |
| Georg Gebauer in Buenos Aires Passenger Lists, May 1923 The original image is not yet available on-line, but this transcription is. There may be some errors in the transcription, such as the misspelling of the surname.
Name: Georg Gebaner
Age: 35
Civil State: Married
Profession: Farmer
Religion: Protestant
Nationality: German
Ship Cap. Polonio
Port of Departure: Hamburg
Arrival Date: 3 May 1923
Arrival Port: Beunos Aires
Born At: Unknown
Albert Kocher is also shown:
Name: Albert Kocher
Age: 39
Civil State: Married
Profession: Cabinetmaker
Religion: Protestant
Nationality: German
Ship Cap. Polonio
Port of Departure: Hamburg
Arrival Date: 3 May 1923
Arrival Port: Buenos Aires
Born At: Unknown
| George Gebauer on Passenger List from Venezuela to New York, 1925 List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States of America...
List 9.
S.S. Commewyne, passengers sailing from La Guaira, Venezuela, June 20th, 1925. Arrived in New York on July 3rd, 1925.
No. on List: 6
HEAD-TAX STATUS. (This column for use of Government officials only.): [blank]
Family Name: Gebauer
Given Name: George
Yrs: 37
Mos: 10
Sex: m
Married or single: m
Calling or occupation: Carpenter
Able to --
Read: yes
Read what language [or, if exemption claimed, on what ground]: German
Write: yes
Nationality. (Country of which citizen or subject.): Germany
Race or People. European [typed] German [handwritten]
Last Permanent Residence.
Country: Venezuela
City or town: La Guaira
The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came: Mr. Hermann Sandmann. Cruz de la Vega 318. Venezla
Final Destination. *(Intended future permanent residence.)
State: NY
City or town: New York Cty
Whether having a ticket to such final destination: yes
By whom was passage paid? (Whether alien paid his own passage, whether paid by relative, whether paid by any other person, or by any corporation, society, municipality, or government.): self
Whether in possession of $50, and if less, how much? yes. 115.00
Whether ever before in the United States; and if so, when and where?
Yes or No. no
If Yes -- Year or period of years. Where? [Blanks]
Whether going to join a relative or friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and his name and complete address:
Mr. Herman Heinsen
1029 Willow Avenue
Hoboken N Y.
Purpose of coming to United States.
Whether alien intends to return to country whence he came after engaging temporarily in laboring pursuits in the United States. no
Length of time alien intends to remain in the United States: indef
Whether alien intends to become a citizen of the United States: no
Ever in prison or almshouse, or institution for care and treatment of the insane, or supported by charity? If so, which? no
Whether a Polygamist: no
Whether an Anarchist: no
Whether a person who believes in or advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of the United States or all forms of law, etc. (See footnote for full text of this question.): no
Whether coming by reason of any offer, solicitation, promise, or agreement, expressed or implied, to labor in the United States: no
Whether alien has been previously deported within one year: no
Condition of health, mental and physical: good
Deformed or crippled. Nature, length of time, and cause: no
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Complexion: white
Color of -
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Marks of identification: shot-scar on head
Place of Birth
Country: Germany
City or town: Schlotheim
Immigration Visa Number: 44714
Issued at: Caracas
Date: March 31, 1925
| At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
| George Gebauer in Polk's City Directory for St. Louis, 1931 Geo Gebauer laborer rooming rear 1721 A S 9th |
| Caracas, Venezuela Court Decision on Georg Gebauer and Ida Weingart Gebauer. Downloaded from http://www.pgr.gob.ve/dmdocuments/1950/23204.pdf.
Los Estados Unidos de Venezuela. - En su nombre.-El
Tribunal Nacional de Reparaciones de Guerra.
Vistos. - Con fecha veinte y siete de mayo de mil novecientos
cuarenta y siete, los ciudadanos alemanes Georg
Gebauer e Ida Weingart de Gebauer, se dirigieron a este
Tribunal, solicitando que se les declare exentos de responsabilidad
por causa de guerra, de acuerdo con las
disposiciones pertinentes del Decreto No 176 de la Junta
Revolucionaria de Gobierno.
Fundamentan su pretensión los aludidos solicitantes, en
las razones favorables siguientes: que siempre han observado
una conducta contraria a los procedimientos y
doctrinas nacistas, rechazándolas en todo momento y
profesando amistad con los refugiados alemanes antinacistas.
Tal conducta los mantuvo siempre al margen de
las Listas Negras de los Gobiernos Norteamericano y
Británico; que los pocos bienes que poseen los adquirieron
con su trabajo en Venezuela, a donde llegaron sin
dinero, a causa de la crisis mundial que en 1931 los alcanzó
en Estados Unidos de América; que desde 1923 están
ausentes de Alemania, viviendo en Argentina y luego
en Estados Unidos, durante cuyo lapso, sólo la señora
Ida de Gebauer, visitó Alemania en 1935, por razones de
salud ; que desde el dos de enero de 1932, están domiciliados
en Venezuela.
Admitida esta solicitud se le dió el curso legal y fué
notificado el Procurador General de la Nación, quien en
la audiencia de 21 de mayo de 1948, por medio de su Delegado,
Dr. R. L. VilIanueva Mata, manifestó no tener
por el momento objeción alguna que hacer a la solicitud
de los nombrados súbditos alemanes.
Abierto el lapso probatorio, durante él las partes interesadas
promovieron la declaración de los testigos señores
Erwin Halle, Manuel Weintraub y Carlos Guillermo
Jagenberg. Evacuada esta prueba ante el Juzgado
Primero de Parroquia del Departamento Libertador del
Distrito Federal, comisionado por este Tribunal, dieron
el resultado siguiente: Los tres testigos precitados, exponen
de manera uniforme, que conocen bien al matrimonio
Gebauer-Weingart; que saben que los pocos bienes
que esos ciudadanos poseen, los han adquirido con su tra
bajo de quince años de residencia en Venezuela; que les
consta que dichos señores han sido siempre enemigos del
gobierno y de las doctrinas nacistas que imperaron en
Alemania antes y durante la última Guerra Mundial; y
que nunca fueron incluídos en las llamadas Listas Negras
de los Gobiernos Aliados.
De los datos constantes en el Prontuario correspondientes
a los esposos Gebauer-Weingart, consta que
Georg Gebauer llegó al país el dos de marzo de 1932, que
es de de profesión carpintero y era dueño, para la fecha
de ese Prontuario, de una carpintería y ebanistería,
establecida en esta ciudad, con un giro aproximado de
Bs. 60.000; que no tiene record policial, goza de excelente
reputación y de crédito comercial y particular; que
la señora Ida Weingart de Gebauer, llegó al país en
noviembre de 1934, salió por seis meses y regresó a principios
de diciembre de 1939; y por los datos de su Pasaporte,
también acompañado a estas actuaciones, consta
igualmente que el prenombrado súbdito alemán estaba
domiciliado en Caracas, para el 11 de marzo de 1936.
Con los elementos que se dejan analizados, este Tribunal
considera cumplidas a favor de los solicitantes, las
circunstancias establecidas en las letras d) y e) del articulo
10 del Decreto 176 de la Junta Revolucionaria de
Gobiérno y así se declara.
Por las razones expuestas, este Tribunal, en nombre
de la República, administrando justicia y por autoridad
del Decreto antes mencionado, declara a los cuidadanos
alemanes Georg Gebauer e Ida Weingart de Gebauer,
exentos de responsabilidad por causa de guerra y libre
su patrimonio de las sanciones establecidas en la Ley
de la materia.
Publíquese, regístrese; comuniquese a la Administración
de Bienes Nacionalizados a los efectos consiguientes y archívese
el expediente.
Dada, firmada y sellada en la Sala de Audiencias del
Tribunal Nacional de Reparaciones de Guerra, en Caracas,
a los veinte y un dîas del mes de marzo de mil novecientos
cincuenta. - Años 140°de la Independencia
y 92° de la Federación.
El Vocal-Presidente,
Emilio H. Gómez Velutini.
Faustino Yánez.
Diego Arrezaz Romero.
Salvador Alfonzo Acero.
Luis Manuel García.
El Secretario,
J. R. Villaiba Rojas.
(Google English Translation follows)
The United States of Venezuela . - In his name. - The
National Court War Reparations .
Viewed . - On twenty-seventh May 1900
forty-seven German citizens Georg
Gebauer and Ida Gebauer Weingart , addressed this
Court , requesting that absolves them of responsibility
by war , according to the
relevant provisions of Decree No. 176 of the Board
Revolutionary Government .
They base their claim to the applicants referred to in
following favorable reasons : they have always observed
conduct contrary to the procedures and
Nazis doctrines , rejecting them at all times and
professing friendship with the German refugees antinacistas .
Such behavior always kept outside
Black Lists and American governments
British , that the few assets they have acquired them
with his work in Venezuela , where they arrived without
money , because of the global crisis in 1931 reached
in the United States of America since 1923 are
absent from Germany , living in Argentina and then
in the United States, during which time , only Mrs.
Ida Gebauer , visited Germany in 1935 , for reasons of
health since the January 2, 1932 , are domiciled
in Venezuela .
Admitted this application was given the legal tender and was
notified the Attorney General's Office , who in
the hearing of May 21, 1948 , through his delegate ,
Dr. R. L. VilIanueva Mata, said it had no
for now objection to make to the application
of German nationals appointed .
After the probationary period , during the different stakeholders
promoted the Lords witness statements
Halle Erwin , Manuel and Carlos William Weintraub
Jagenberg . Evacuated this evidence before the Court
First Parish of Libertador Department
Federal District , commissioned by the Court, gave
the following result: The three aforementioned witnesses , exposed
uniformly knowledgeable about the marriage
Gebauer - Weingart , who know that the few assets
that these people have , they have acquired with their work
under fifteen years of residence in Venezuela , which will
know that these gentlemen have been always enemies of
government and the Nazis doctrines that prevailed in
Germany before and during the last World War , and
that were never included calls Blacklists
of the Allied Governments .
Constant data in the Handbook for
Gebauer - husbands Weingart ground that
Georg Gebauer arrived on March 2, 1932 , which
is a professional carpenter and owned by the date
of this Handbook , a carpentry and joinery ,
established in this city , with a twist of approximately
Bs 60,000 , which has no police record , is in excellent
credit reputation and commercial and private , that
Mrs. Ida Gebauer Weingart , arrived in the country in
November 1934 , he left for six months and returned in early
December 1939 , and data from your passport ,
also accompanied these actions , has
also that the German national praenomen was
domiciled in Caracas, on March 11, 1936 .
With the analyzed elements left , this Court
considered fulfilled in favor of the applicants, the
circumstances set out in subparagraphs d ) and e) of Article
10 of Decree 176 of the Revolutionary
Government and so declared .
For the foregoing reasons , this Court, on behalf
of the Republic , administering justice and authority
aforementioned Decree , declaring the citizens:
German Georg Weingart Gebauer and Ida Gebauer ,
exempt from responsibility for war and free
heritage of the sanctions established in the Law
of matter.
Published, registered , please call the Administration
Real Nationalized the consequent effects and filed
the record.
Given, signed and sealed in the Courtroom
National Court War Reparations in Caracas
at twenty -one days of the month of March 1900
fifty . - Years of Independence 140 °
and 92 ° of the Federation.
The Vocal - President,
Emilio H. Gomez Velutini .
Vocal ,
Faustino Yanez .
Vocal ,
Arrezaz Diego Romero.
Vocal ,
Alfonzo Salvador Steel .
Vocal ,
Luis Manuel Garcia.
The Secretary ,
J. R. Villaiba Rojas
Translation by Nathan Porter, 2013:
Official Gazette of the United States of Venezuela
Year LXXVIII---Month VII. Caracas: Thursday April 20 1950 Number 23,204
Military Junta
Decree number 464
The United States of Venezuela - In its name. - The National Court of War Reparations.
Whereas. - On the twenty-seventh of May, nineteen hundred forty seven, German citizens Georg Gebauer and Ida Gebauer Weingart, addressed this Court, requesting that they be declared exempt from war crimes, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Decree No. 176 of the Government Revolutionary Board.
The applicants in question base their claim on the following supporting points: that they have always conducted themselves in a manner contrary to Nazi protocols and doctrines, rejecting them at all times and professing friendship with anti-Nazi German refugees. Such behavior always kept them off the Black Lists of the American and British governments; that the few assets that they posses they acquired through their work in Venezuela, where they arrived without money, because of the global crisis that reached the United States of America in 1931; that since 1923 they have been absent from Germany, living in Argentina and later in the United States, during which period, only Mrs. Ida Gebauer visited Germany in 1935, for reasons of health; that since January 2, 1932, they have been domiciled in Venezuela.
Having been accepted, this application was given legal tender and the National Attorney General's Office was notified, who in the hearing of May 21, 1948, through its delegate, Dr. R. L. VilIanueva Mata, expressed that presently it had no objection whatsoever to make to the application of the specified German citizens.
During the evidentiary period, the interested parties brought forth the testimonies of the witnesses Erwin Halle, Manuel Weintraub and Carlos Guilllermo Jagenberg. This evidence was examined before the First Parish of Libertador Court of the Libertador Department of the Federal District (commissioned by this Court), which gave the following result: The three aforementioned witnesses state in like manner, that they know the couple Gebauer-Weingart; that they know that the few assets that those citizens possess, they have acquired with their work during fifteen years of residence in Venezuela; that it is certain that they have always been enemies of the Nazi government and the doctrines that prevailed in Germany before and during the last World War; and that they were never included in the so-called Blacklists of the Allied Governments.
Regarding the corroborating data in the Handbook corresponding to the couple Gebauer-Weingart, it states that Georg Gebauer arrived to the country on March 2, 1932, that he is a carpenter by profession and was the owner, by the date of that Handbook, of a carpentry and fine woodworking shop, established in this city, with an income of approximately 60,000 Bs [bolivars]; that he has no police record and enjoys excellent reputation as well as commercial and private credit; that Mrs. Ida Gebauer Weingart arrived in the country in November 1934, left for six months and returned in early December 1939, and by the information from her passport, also corroborated by these proceedings, likewise affirms that the aforementioned German citizen was domiciled in Caracas, on March 11, 1936.
With those elements that have been analyzed, this Court rules in favor of the applicants, the circumstances set out in letters d) and e) of Article 10 of Decree 176 of the Revolutionary Government and so it is declared.
For the stated reasons, this Court, on behalf of the Republic, administering justice and by authority of the aforementioned Decree, declares the German citizens Georg Weingart Gebauer and Ida Gebauer, innocent of war crimes and frees their estate of the sanctions established in applicable law.
Publish, record, and inform the Administration of Nationalized Goods of the consequent belongings and file the record.
Given, signed and sealed in the Courtroom of the National Court of War Reparations, in Caracas, on the twenty and first day of the month of March of one thousand nine hundred fifty.
-- 140th year of Independence and 92nd year of the Federation.
Board Member/President, Emilio H. Gomez Velutini.
Board Member, Faustino Yanez.
Board Member, Arrezaz Diego Romero.
Board Member, Alfonzo Salvador Steel.
Board Member, Luis Manuel Garcia.
Secretary, J. R. Villaiba Rojas.
Nathan's Notes:
"...when it comes to the actual document. It's really interesting. This is my general take on what it says (which hopefully makes sense as you read through it): After the war, Venezuela got a little German-phobic and appropriated the assets or estate of the Gebau[e]r family, who because they were German, were labeled as Nazi war criminals who had fled Germany because of the war. However, the Gebau[e]r family had already lived there for quite some time and objected to their assets being taken, and brought forth witnesses to testify that they were good people and were productive members of society. In the end, the court ruled in their favor, and their assets were to be returned.
"A few points: There was a lot of legal speech, some of which I simplified. I added hyperlinks to a few legal terms just in case they aren't clear. The document refers to a 'Handbook'; I'm not sure what this is, but it could be the state records. It's probably not the Gebauer passports because they refer to these differently in the document."
| Ida Gebauer in Polk's City Directory for Paso Robles, 1954 Ida Gebauer (widow of Geo) maid household rear 544 24th |
| At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Headstones |
| Georg Gebauer Headstone Headstone on findagrave.com under "George Karl Gebauer" born 1887, died 1953 Plot: 127 28 |
Histories |
| At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
| At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
| At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Sources |
- [S12] California Death Index, 1950-1959, California Department of Health, FHL Fiche 6332561., fiche 23 of 73.